Removing a picture's background is sometimes a necessity, especially if you need the picture to integrate into other document or other picture. Here I will show how we can achieve that in linux using a python application called rembg.
First, make sure we have python installed. Most linux will have it installed by default, but just check to make sure
In order avoid installing python libraries globally, we will create a virtual environment to keep the rembg application files. You can read more about virtual environment, by clicking
here. So we will create a virtual environment called rembg
Activate the virtual environment
$ cd rembg
$ source bin/activate
Update pip
(rembg) $ pip install --upgrade pip
Install rembg[cli] package
(rembg) $ pip install rembg[cli]
Once installed, we can use "--help" to see what are the options available for rembg
Now we can use rembg to remove background. Let's say we have a picture called mypicture.jpg, and we want to remove its background, and save the new picture as mypicture-nobg.jpg:
(rembg) $ rembg i mypicture.jpg mypicture-nobg.jpg
Verify that the background has been removed in the new picture.
rembg also comes with http-server, for those who wanted a web interface to remove background from picture. Just run rembg with "s" flag to launch the rembg http server
A web app will be launched on http://localhost:5000, where you can upload the file to be background removed, and click submit to get the output.
Simply press "ctrl + c" to cancel rembg's http server, when you are done.