Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Using putty via cmd

Putty is an ssh client that many windows users used to connect to ssh server. Due to the complexity of ssh protocol, the settings in putty is also quite complex. 

Here I want to show some examples where you can use putty via the cmd. You can simply copy below commands and paste it inside your cmd, do some changes like IP, username and port, and you are good to go without having to go through many steps to complete some simple task such as setting up a dynamic tunnel.

The first thing that you have to do before using putty via cmd is, to install putty. Just download the installer from here, and install it using the usual double click on installer method.

Once installed, fire up your cmd. 

Below are some basic scenario to use putty (if you are familiar with the linux openssh client, the options are almost identical)

Scenario 1: Connecting to a remote server (with ip

cmd> putty user@

Scenario 2: Forward a remote port to you local machine, in this case, forwarding port 22 on to port 9999 on your local machine

cmd> putty user@ -L 9999:localhost:22

Scenario 3: Forward a local port to a remote machine, in this case, forwarding port 22 in localhost to 9999 in remote machine

cmd > putty -R 9999:localhost:22 root@

Scenario 4: Create a socks5 proxy (dynamic tunnel) on port 8888 in localhost via the remote machine. This is useful if we want to browse addresses that only can be accessed by the remote machine, but the remote machine does not have an internet browser.

cmd> putty user@ -D 8888

Scenario 5: Connect to a remote machine, via port other than 22. In this case, sshd is running on port 9999

cmd> putty -P 9999 user@

There you go, 5 scenarios where you can use putty via command line. Hope this will make your life easier when using putty. Ciao!

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