Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Postgresql quickstart

Reference on commands commonly used in postgresql administration. Enjoy....

1. To start postgres
# /etc/init.d/postgresql start
2. To stop postgres
# /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
3. To start using postgres, change to user postgres
$ su - postgres
4. To create new database
$ createdb dbname
5. To delete database
$ dropdb dbname
6. To access database
$ psql dbname
7. To dump database (backup)
$ pg_dump dbname > backup.out
8. Reload db from file
$ psql -d dbname -f db.out
9. To dump all database to file
$ pg_dumpall > dumpall.sql
10. Reload all from file
$ psql -f dumpall.sql
11. List database
$ psql -l
12. Clean all database
$ vacuumdb --quiet --all

Commands inside psql (PostgreSQL interactive terminal)

1. Access psql
# psql
2. Get help about commands
# \h
3. Quit psql
# \q
4. Import from file
# \i input.sql
5. Show databases
# \l
6. Show tables
# \dt
7. Show users
# \du
8. Connect to database
# \c dbname
9. Change user password
# \c template1
# ALTER USER postgres with password 'new_password';
10. Clean database
11. Help on syntax command


  1. So, just curious, what else have you done with PG?

  2. SO, just curious, what else have you done with PG?

  3. i don't use pg that much. out of 10 applications, i only use pg on one of them. the rest i use mysql :-)
